

Endowments at bet8九州登录入口图书馆 are an investment in 俄亥俄州’s future. A university’s scholarly success depends on the strength of its library. 以下是与你的兴趣相匹配的捐赠:


唐纳德 & 玛丽安·斯宾塞非裔美国人研究基金会

被公认为辛辛那提的公民领袖, 俄亥俄州, Marian and the late 唐纳德 Spencer spent their life together as promoters of civil rights. This endowment continues their legacy by enriching the educational experiences of students and researchers through the acquisition of materials documenting African American history, 政治, 艺术, 语言, 文学, 音乐与文化.

悉尼 & 索尼娅·巴克特别收藏基金

Funds from this endowment contribute to the growth of rare book collections housed in the Mahn Center for 档案 and 特殊的集合, the principal repository of rare and unique materials that support the education, bet8九州登录入口的研究和创造使命.

Dr. 邵友保海外华人文献 & 研究中心

Dr. You-Bao Shao established the Shao Center and its endowment to provide earnings to promote the international study of the Chinese diaspora though collecting publications, 保存历史材料, and creating and publishing new scholarly writings related to persons of Chinese descent residing outside of China and their influence on other cultures worldwide.


This endowment was established to provide a permanent source of supplementary funding to enhance the 库’ preservation of collections through the 库 Preservation and 数字计划 Department, which helps to ensure the availability of materials for future generations of students and scholars.


The spirit of this endowment is to strengthen and support the center’s international research resources through long-term funding. 因为博士. 李华伟的关键作用, bet8九州登录入口图书馆 serves as the official depository of publications of Botswana, 危地马拉, 马来西亚和斯威士兰.


In 1999, the Friends established a scholarship fund designated to provide aid for the 库’ student employees in recognition of the important role that student assistants have in the 库’ operations. 从一开始, this fund has awarded students from a broad range of majors with scholarships to continue their education at bet8九州登录入口.


博士的礼物. Vernon Alden to his wife Marion to celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary, this endowment was created to honor Marion’s fondness for the University and her interest in Southeast Asia. These funds are essential in the purchase of important materials related to the art of Asia and Southeast Asia, 包括很难找到的书, 来自遥远世界的期刊和电子媒体.


This long-term endowment allows the Contemporary History Institute (CHI) to enjoy a national and international reputation for excellence in historically-grounded analysis of contemporary world affairs through acquiring materials in the field of contemporary history and providing expanded library services for students and faculty.


This growing collection began with the donation of world-renowned photojournalist, 林恩·约翰逊的档案, which include some of the thousands of photographs that have been printed and distributed worldwide for LIFE, 国家地理, 体育画报和各种基金会. With added support the 新闻摄影收藏 will continue to grow and encompass even more award-winning collections.

悉尼 & 索尼娅·巴克传统的莎士比亚基金会

The material acquired through this endowment focus on the period in which Shakespeare lived, 16和17世纪的英格兰, and give researchers a broader understanding of the historical context behind these influential writings. One of the materials purchased by the endowment is access to the World Shakespeare Bibliography Online, 与莎士比亚有关的学术研究和珍本的数据库.

艺术 & 人文学部青年教师基金

The AHJFE serves as an enticing recruitment tool to attract the best and brightest talent available to join the 艺术 and humanities as tenure-track faculty. This endowment allows new faculty to purchase highly-specialized materials needed to support research, 这也扩大了图书馆馆藏的广度和深度.


为了纪念查尔斯, 前贝克和平委员会成员, 以及露丝对和平与正义的热情, 这一捐赠基金专门用于支持预防战争, violence and non-conflict resolution as well as academic exploration in the humanitarian causes.


This endowment was established to sustain research by the bet8九州登录入口 Political Science Department, Raymond Gusteson教授从1947年到1991年任教的地方. Funds are used to purchase books and materials for 奥尔登图书馆 in order to keep the search for political and legal understanding of our country alive.


也许是最万能的天赋, the 1804 Special 图书馆 Fund enables 大学图书馆 to purchase unique special collections for the 俄亥俄州 community in the effort to aid academic success. The endowment also funds special programs such as the Student 研究 and Creative Activity Expo and other causes the dean of the 库 has deemed worthy.


肖斯塔克基金的目的是帮助学生, faculty and staff with disabilities to reach their full potential in ways that contribute to their academic studies, 专业工作或研究.


This endowment is used to expand the Morgan Collection of the History of Chemistry, 存放在奥尔登图书馆的曼恩中心, through the discretion of the dean of the 库 and the support of the Department of Chemistry.


This endowment supports the acquisition of materials related to the history of primary and secondary education in the United States to broaden student, faculty and researchers’ knowledge of the education system leading up to today.