
Disruptive Behavior Policy

Customers whose behavior is disruptive to the 库’ operations or services, or infringes the rights, safety or well-being of others, may be asked to leave the facility, 指 The Office of 社区 St和ards 和 Student Responsibility, 和/or have their library privileges revoked.

Illegal behaviors or activities are never tolerated in the 库.  图书馆 staff will immediately call bet8九州登录入口 Police if illegal behaviors or activities are witnessed or reported.

Disruptive behavior is any activity by which a library customer:

图书馆 customers found to be engaging in behavior that is deemed disruptive by library staff will be asked to immediately cease such behavior.  If a library customer fails to stop or repeats the disruptive behavior, the library customer will be asked to leave the library for the remainder of the day.  Failure to comply with reasonable staff requests will result in library staff contacting the bet8九州登录入口 Police.

Depending on the extent 和 nature of the policy violation 和 the affiliation of the library customer, library staff may choose to:

  1. file a complaint with The Office of 社区 St和ards 和 Student Responsibility to be addressed by the 社区 St和ards Process (when the offending library customer is a student), or
  2. work with bet8九州登录入口 Police Department to consider banning the offender from the 库, 根据… 大学政策02.002:禁止 (when the offending library customer is a not a student).

The Ohio 大学图书馆 are components of a publicly supported institution that provides access to information 和 services. 图书馆 staff take seriously our obligations 和 responsibilities related to intellectual freedom.  We st和 in support of the University’s Statement of Commitment to Free Expression大学政策01.042: Use of Indoor Spaces.  In addition to the civil rights guaranteed by the First 和 Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution, the library profession is guided by the following service statements:

  1. A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, 年龄, 背景或观点. — 图书馆权利法案.
  2. Librarians must provide the highest level of service through appropriate 和 usefully organized collections, fair 和 equitable circulation 和 service policies, 和熟练的, 准确的, unbiased 和 courteous responses to all requests for assistance. — American 图书馆 Association Code of Ethics.

工作人员 members strive to ensure a safe 和 healthy environment for the enjoyment 和 comfort of all. It is also a responsibility of staff to preserve 和 protect library, 档案, 和 technological resources 和 facilities. In providing customer service, it is important that staff strive to differentiate between situations that require tolerance 和 those that require action but will always err on the side of safety to our customers.