

言论自由是bet8九州登录入口教育的基础. 公开辩论及审议, 批判对信仰和理论的批判, 和 uncensored academic inquiry are all essential to our shared mission of discovery 和 dissemination of knowledge. 请参阅完整的声明 政策没有 .01.040.


Although views expressed through hate speech are deeply at odds with the values of Ohio university, courts have held that such speech generally is protected by the First Amendment 和 cannot be punished or regulated based on its content.

How does free speech apply to controversial speakers that student groups bring to campus?

bet8九州登录入口不会根据演讲者的观点来限制他们. It is inherent to higher education that we will encounter unwelcome 和 inconvenient questions. Learning to form independent judgments requires that individuals demonstrate openness to the challenges their ideas may elicit 和 the willingness to alter their original views in light of new knowledge, 证据, 和观点.  参见活动演讲者和异议部分 政策没有 .01.040.


作为我们对言论自由承诺的一部分, bet8九州登录入口 does not attempt to restrict the speech of a particular group or individual, 即使被别人认为是冒犯. Those who disagree with a message shared on the graffiti wall are encouraged to exercise their own right to free speech 和 convey their own message. 参见的内容中立性部分 政策没有 .01.040.


公民不服从包括违反法律或规则,不是吗. Protests 和 civil disobedience have played a historic role on university campuses, 当然还有bet8九州登录入口. 然而,公民抗命不受宪法保护. The 宪法 does not guarantee any right to engage in civil disobedience where it entails the violation of laws or regulations without the risk of incurring consequences. 请参阅关于公民不服从的进一步声明 No .01.040.


是的. 预订程序见 政策没有. 01.044.


No. 虽然可以预订一些空间,但不需要预订. 很明显, 自发的抗议不能取代在预留空间里有计划的活动, 但除此之外, 所有户外空间先到先得, 先得. 看到 政策没有. 01.044.


There are advantages in that scheduling a rally allows you to reserve space 和 work with university 和 city officials to ensure safety.  You can also get a parade permit in advance, to keep pedestrians as safe as possible from vehicles.


No. Protected speech does not include activities that block the movement of traffic or pedestrians, 防止安全进出建筑物或空间, 破坏空间的预定用途, 或者干扰附近发生的活动. 参与此类活动可能会导致逮捕.


No. 鼓励提前通知,以解决空间和安全问题, 但不需要提前通知.


是的, 根据政策, there are many spaces inside buildings that can be reserved for rallies 和 other expressive activities. 看到 政策没有. 01.042.

Can my group express disagreement with university policies at meetings of the Board of Trustees?

是的. Groups or individuals can engage in expressive activities at Board meetings as long the meetings are not disrupted. 参见中断的定义 政策没有. 01.042.


No. 学校禁止静坐, 职业, 及其他破坏大学运作的活动. 看到 政策没有. 01.042.


A spontaneous 抗议 can occur in any outdoor space that does not block access or disrupt nearby operations or reserved events. 参见中断的定义 政策没有. 01.044. Spontaneous 抗议s may also occur in certain indoor spaces subject to certain restrictions in the policy. 见保单编号. 01.042.


是的. As long as the 抗议 does not disrupt the event, meeting, or speaker from continuing. 参见中断的定义 政策没有. 01.042.


是的. Turning your back on a speaker is a protected form of expression (although you could lawfully be asked to move if you are blocking the view of others). 参见中断的定义 政策没有. 01.042.


是的. 穿t恤是一种受保护的表达方式.


是的. As long as the signs do not block the views of others 和 as long as signs are not expressly prohibited at the event. 参见中断的定义 政策没有. 01.042.


是的, in any outdoor space as long as the passing out of the flyers does not block egress or in some way disrupt a reserved event or university operations. 参见中断的定义 政策没有. 01.044.



This policy applies to bet8九州登录入口 students, student groups, faculty, 和 staff.

俄亥俄州修订法典3345.0212 requires each public university in Ohio to adopt a policy on harassment that is consistent with 和 adheres strictly to the definition of harassment in section 3345.俄亥俄州修订法典第0211条.

The University believes that the right of expression is as necessary as the right of inquiry 和 that both must be preserved as essential to the pursuit 和 dissemination of knowledge 和 truth. However, the University’s commitment to freedom of expression does not extend to harassment. 根据第3345条.0211, harassment is defined as conduct 和/or expression that is not protected by the First Amendment to the United States 宪法 or Article I of the Ohio 宪法 (Unprotected Expression) because it is:

1. unwelcome; 和

2. 如此严重, 无处不在的, 和 objectively offensive that it effectively denies an individual equal access to the individual's education program or activity.

表情(当面, in writing or by telecommunication) must meet both of these elements to be actionable under this policy. This policy applies to alleged harassment that takes place on bet8九州登录入口 property (owned, 租赁, 或受管制处所), 参加bet8九州登录入口赞助的活动, 以及与bet8九州登录入口认可的项目或活动有关. Students 和 student groups should report alleged violations of this policy to: 学生主任办公室.

教师 和 staff should report alleged violations of this policy to: Respectively, the 执行副校长和教务长办公室 or 大学人力资源.

也上升到犯罪水平的骚扰(例如.g.(真正的威胁,儿童色情)也应该报告给 bet8九州登录入口警察局.

本政策不应被解释为损害任何权利或活动, 包括演讲, 抗议, 或受美国法律保护的组装.S. 宪法.

Nothing within this policy shall be interpreted as preventing bet8九州登录入口 from restricting expressive activities that the First Amendment of the U.S. 宪法 or Article I, Sections 3 和 11 of the Ohio 宪法 does not protect.

Further nothing in this policy shall be interpreted as restricting or impairing the University’s obligations under federal law including, 但不限于, 1965年高等教育法第四章, 1962年民权法案第六章, 1964年民权法案第七章, 1972年教育修正案第九条, 1973年康复法案第504条, 美国残疾人法案第二章, Age Discrimination in Employment Act 和 the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 as addressed through its non-discrimination 和 Title IX policies.

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