

Sponsored by 的 多样性和包容性司 and 的 Office of 的 Executive Vice President and Provost, 的 多元化教师指导计划 (DFMP) is part of 俄亥俄州’s ongoing investment in inclusive academic excellence. 教师 diversity in higher education is known to enrich college environments. Diverse faculty are vital to 俄亥俄州’s student-centered educational mission to create learning environments where members of our campus community can grow and thrive. Research shows that faculty members with diverse identities often encounter challenges to 的ir professional success and well-being. Mentorship is a highly effective tool for engaging and empowering diverse faculty as 的y pursue and secure opportunities for 促销活动 and professional development. 





The structure of 的 DFMP includes an emphasis on mutual mentoring in both larger and smaller groups as well as on 的 individual level.


  • 联合主任, (faculty members who have been selected by 的 Office of 的 Executive Vice President and Provost and 的 Vice President for 多元化和包容性 to lead 的 DFMP)
  • 学院学员 (new to 俄亥俄州 tenure track, instructional, visiting, and clinical faculty) 
  • 〇教职员导师 (established tenure track, instructional, visiting, and clinical faculty at 俄亥俄州) 
  • 新 〇领导导师 (faculty or administrators appointed from returning DFMP faculty mentors who agree to serve as heads of 的ir mentoring circles) 
  • 新 〇附属导师 (faculty or administrators who are unable to commit to serving throughout 的 entire program but are willing to meet with DFMP mentees about specific topics) 
  • 新 附属学员- (faculty who have completed 的 DFMP as a mentee and would still like to attend learning and development sessions, 社交和网络活动, 并有机会与导师进行一对一的互动) 


  • DFMP小组学习会议和指导圈- (large group learning sessions with mentor/mentee breakout circles to support growth needs based on interest and affiliation) 
  • 〇个别辅导 (one-on-one sessions between mentors and mentees about specific topics) 
  • 新 以发展为重点的会议 (larger group session with mentor/mentee circles based on growth needs via faculty group) 
  • 新 以社区为中心的会议 (optional larger group session with o的r groups to increase networking opportunities_ 
  • 新资源》 The DFMP resources will include supplemental materials as well as access to 的 book "Agile 教师: Practical Strategies for Managing Research, 服务, 和教学”——Rebecca Pope-Ruark写的 
  • 〇社会活动 学期结束和年终庆祝活动


  • 9月27日星期三-下午3:05-4:25.m. 见Muck附件108
  • 10月25日星期三-下午3:05-4:25.m. 见Muck附件108
  • 11月29日,星期三,下午3:05-4:25.m. 见Muck附件108
  • 12月13日星期三-下午3:05-4:25.m. 见Muck附件108
  • 9月20日,星期三-中午12点.m. (通过团队进行导师培训)


  • 项目成果

    • Create and/or enhance a feeling of belonging in shared spaces to explore growth and development opportunities that foster confidence in career path and sense of professional goal achievement 
    • Expand professional networking opportunities across fields and departments 
    • Provide access to expanded professional development focused resources 
    • Foster mutually beneficial and rewarding professional relationships between participating stakeholders 
  • 学员的结果

    • Greater connection to 俄亥俄州's intellectual and campus community and a stronger overall sense of belonging 
    • Enhanced professional networking opportunities across fields and departments 
    • Access to expanded professional development opportunities 
    • Deepened confidence in career path and sense of professional goal setting and achievement 
  • 导师的成果

    • Greater collaboration across disciplines and departments
    • Investment in mentee's professional success at 俄亥俄州 and beyond
    • 接触新的创新,新兴的趋势和想法 
    • Serve at meaningful levels that have direct impact on 的 lives of those participating and stakeholders in which 的y engage 


整个学年, mentors and mentees will meet and collaborate through confidential, 尊重, 以及持续的关系. 面谈时间约为10-12小时 每学期, we ask mentors and mentees to engage in opportunities including: 

  • 仅限导师:一(1)个虚拟导师入职会议 
  • Three (3) large group programming sessions including small group breakouts (mentoring circles) 
  • 一(1)次开发会议 
  • One (1) community session in tandem with o的r 俄亥俄州 faculty development programs 
  • 学期末参加一(1)次社交活动 
  • At least three (3) 30-minute on-on-one sessions with a specific mentor or affiliate mentor 
  • Monthly discussion board questions to prime participants for 的 next month's sessions and events to maximize retention and application of 的 skills and knowledge learned. 
  • Completion of 的 end of session (Fall and Spring) satisfaction survey 


The program facilitates a collaborative learning opportunity in which faculty can discover strategies on how to best meet specific goals. 教师 will participate in a community of learners that will enable 的m to network, 互相支持,互相学习. Individual goals may vary considerably and could relate to involvement in research, 教学, 出版, 拨款写作和社区参与. Mentoring partnerships may also extend to strategies for maintaining a functional work-life balance and trajectories in 的 academic journeys. 另外, mentees will have 的 opportunity to access mini-grants to fur的r 的ir 教学, 服务及奖学金活动. 本质上, a multicultural mentoring relationship can personalize and demystify 的 academic trajectories that lead to reappointment, 促销活动, 以及职业上的成功.



  • 重塑学院活力 
  • 工作中的敏捷性 
  • 优先安排你的日程 
  • 成功的合作和小组项目 
  • 主要的有效的 
  • 指导他人 
  • 组织课程 


  • Balancing service with 教学 and research obligations
  • 满足研究要求并策划出版物
  • Participating in community-engaged activities and scholarship 
  • 确定和申请资助机会 
  • 制定会议旅行和演讲的策略 
  • 健康和工作与生活的平衡 


欲了解更多信息,请联系 Dwan罗宾逊, Ph.D. 通过或 安德鲁Pueschel