Academic Probation 101

At the close of the semester, the academic record of each enrolled undergraduate student (regardless of student enrollment status) will be reviewed to verify the accumulative GPA. At the time of the review, if you do not have the required 2.0最低 accumulative GPA, you will be placed on academic probation. To be removed from probation, your accumulative GPA must reach at least a 2.0.

Academic Success Workshops

The Academic Success Workshop is a two-hour information session for all students who are on academic probation. It will explain bet8九州登录入口's academic probation policies, including what it means to "be on probation," how your GPA affects your status at 俄亥俄州 (including your financial aid), and how to be removed from academic probation.

Register for Academic Success Workshop


俄亥俄州在线/eCampus Students

Students with fewer than 90 credit hours earned:

If you have fewer than 90 semester credit hours earned and are not removed from probation, you will be continued on probation or academically dismissed. To be continued on probation, you must have either 1) semester GPA of at least 2.0 or 2) accumulative GPA equal to or greater than the minimum GPA defined by your hours earned:

总工作时间 Minimum Accumulative GPA to be Continued on Probation
0–29.99 1.6
30.00–59.99 1.8
60.00–89.99 1.9

If you are on probation and fail both of the criteria described above, you will be academically dismissed.

Students with 90 or more semester credit hours earned:

If you are on probation in a given semester and you have 90 or more semester credit hours earned at the end of that semester, 你必须得2分.0 accumulative GPA to avoid academic dismissal.

Some colleges require higher standards of performance than the University's 2.0最低. If you have been dropped from a college because of failure to meet such additional standards but are not subject to dismissal according to the University rules, you are still eligible for admission to other programs in the University. International students placed on academic probation are strongly encouraged to meet with an advisor in International Student and Scholar Services to discuss their situations. International students in F-1 or J-1 status who are dropped from their programs or from the University must see an advisor in International Student and Scholar Services.

Removal from Probation

Removal of probationary status is automatic at the close of the semester when your accumulative GPA rises to 2.0 or above, unless your college requires higher standards.

Dismissal (Drop) and Reinstatement

If you have been dismissed or dropped, you are not able to enroll for courses at bet8九州登录入口.

You may petition your college student services office for reinstatement, but normally reinstatement will not be granted until at least 12 months after your dismissal. As a condition for reinstatement, the dean of your college may suggest remedial steps you can take.

Students petitioning for reinstatement must do so according to the following deadlines:

申请复职:  Petition must be received by:
秋季学期 8月1日
春季学期 December 15 (January 2 if you were dismissed immediately preceding fall semester)
夏季学期 4月15日

Petitions received after the deadlines above will be held for review for the next semester.

If you have been dismissed from the University for a second time, reinstatement is possible only under extraordinary circumstances and usually is not granted until at least 24 months after the second dismissal.

Academic probation graphic describing


Enter your course grades to determine your GPA for the semester, or cumulative GPA.



This table shows the numeric value for each letter grade per credit hour.

学分 A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F
1 4.00 3.67 3.33 3.00 2.67 2.33 2.00 1.67 1.33 1.00 .67 0.00
2 8.00 7.34 6.66 6.00 5.34 4.66 4.00 3.34 2.66 2.00 1.34 0.00
3 12.00 11.01 9.99 9.00 8.01 6.99 6.00 5.01 3.99 3.00 2.01 0.00
4 16.00 14.68 13.32 12.00 10.68 9.32 8.00 6.68 5.32 4.00 2.68 0.00
5 20.00 18.35 16.65 15.00 13.35 11.65 10.00 8.35 6.65 5.00 3.35 0.00
6 24.00 22.02 19.98 18.00 16.02 13.98 12.00 10.02 7.98 6.00 4.02 0.00



Our amazing student staff created these helpful videos to walk you through reading your DARS and how to see your grades in My Student Center. 仍然需要帮助? Drop by or make an appointment with an academic coach in the Academic Achievement Center.


How to See Your Grades in My Student Center